Certegy: A Checking Solution for Individuals and Small Businesses
Check payment fraud is a perennial problem. If the economy is good, the increase in buying power and number of transactions mean that fraudulent claims may end up being overlooked. If the economy is down, this may drive more people to become desperate. As we enter 2015, it becomes even more important to make sure that having to verify checks don’t interrupt the smooth flow of your business.
Certegy Check Services protects businesses from fraud and loss, while individuals and customers are secured against unauthorized or unlawful use of their checking account information. They also provide check authorization and payroll check cashing services for businesses that accept checks in their store, online, over the phone, and through the mail.
With its over 45 years of service, Certegy is a leader in payment processing and fraud loss prevention, serving over 315,000 merchants all over the world. It is a subsidiary of FIS Financial Services.
Transactions Made Easier for the Common Customer
Certegy helps via allowing supermarkets, retailers, mass merchandisers, check cashers, casinos and hotels, and other institutions, to quickly turn checks into cash for their customers while protecting against fraud. There are many different types of checks that people would like to cash; from payroll, personal, government, insurance, money orders, and more. Accepting these types of checks, specially payroll checks, is very convenient and improves customer loyalty. Certegy makes sure that this can be done with no risk to you.
Secure your Credit Information
Certegy is a Consumer Reporting Agency that compiles credit information and allow companies to make decisions regarding their customers, if they are trustworthy with their credit or ability to pay for goods and services via checks, and what new benefits can be offered to those who may be looking to expand their business. They use proprietary risk management procedures to model transactions that cause losses to merchants.
They also provide the means to quickly raise and settle disputes regarding check transactions. Individuals that are part of Certegy’s payment solutions are allowed to claim free records of their transactions, declined checks, and their credit rating.
In fact, as a CRA under the The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT), Certegy provides anyone a free copy of their credit report once annually. You can request a copy of your file from Certegy by calling toll-free number at 1-866-543-6315.